
The Key To Successful eBook Selling

Too nice for temporary

As I’ve said before in previous posts, it all comes down to your sales letter. If your sales letter doesn’t convert, nothing else matters.

One of the biggest keys to developing an effective sales page for your product lies in stressing the benefits of your product, not its features.

If you put a benefits driven sales page before a group of hungry buyers you will make some sales.

What is a benefits driven sales page? It is one that identifies a problem the people in a particular niche have and then offers them a solution to that problem.

The people reading your sales page don’t really care how many pages your ebook has, or what font you’ve used, or what color your headline is.

What they want to know is, “What’s in it for me?” And what’s in it for them relates to the benefits of your product.

You need to spell those benefits out, not in a way that makes sense to you, but in a way that makes sense to them. They are not familiar with your product so you have to clearly explain exactly what the benefits will be to them.

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