Joint Ventures

Joint Ventures – What Are They and Why You Should Use Them?

Joint Ventures are a great idea for just about any Internet Marketer. They are a great way to boost your business to a higher level in a shorter amount of time. In other words, Joint Ventures bring you success quickly. The following is a quick look at what Joint Ventures are and why you should use them.

So, what are Joint Ventures? Well, first of all they are an agreement between 2 or more people (or businesses). All the parties involved agree to work on a project. Part of the agreement is that the profits from the project will be shared by all parties. Of course, this means that all parties contribute to the project too. Therefore, Joint Ventures, also known as JVs, are also all about relationships.

The key with Joint Ventures is to have parties who are all really good at something that the other people in the party aren’t good at. For example, you might have a JV between an Internet Marketer who writes really well, an Internet Marketer who is a great copywriter, an Internet Marketer who knows how to market using social networking sites, and an Internet Marketer who has a large email list you can market to.

This covers a lot of the tasks that have to be completed in order for a project to be successful. Therefore, this JV has a good chance to be a success.
Now that we’ve looked at the question of what are Joint Ventures, all that’s left is to explain why you should use them. Hopefully, you can already see why a JV would be a good idea for you. You will be able to take what you’re great at and combine it with what other people are good at. By combining all your talents you’ll be able to be even more successful than you’d ever come close to on your own. Though you’ll have to share the profits with all your partners you’ll still wind-up making even more money. Plus, you will be laying down the groundwork for future partnerships that will also make you even more successful.
So, what are Joint Ventures? They are an agreement between 2 or more parties to share the work to make a project successful. As part of the partnership all the parties in the JV will share the profits. You should use Joint Ventures because they will help you achieve greater success in less time than you’d ever be able to achieve on your own.

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Joint Ventures, Miscellaneous

Getting Sales of your New Ebook off to a Flying Start

Almost every newbie affiliate marketer dreams of one day creating their own ebook and making a killing online with it. You may not believe me, but the easiest part of the entire project is actually the creation of the ebook. Sure, you may spend months in developing it, but once you’re done the really hard part comes in.

What most beginners fail to invest time in is promoting it. Of course you may do some article marketing, social bookmarking, video marketing and so on–but that’s not the big part.

The single biggest factor in getting your ebook flying off the ‘shelves’ in the first few weeks after it is released is the product launch. The biggest sellers online depend on finding super-affiliates (the individuals in their niche with huge mailings lists) to promote their product during its launch by sending out promotional emails with affiliate links to their lists.

There are a number of ways to find these super-affiliates, and to convince them to mail for you, but your primary consideration in launching your product MUST be in finding a fair number of these gurus to promote for you.

You want to find affiliates with big lists to in your niche to promote for you during your launch. eZineArtilcle authors with many articles in your niche are good candidates. Affiliates with listings showing in Google for your main keywords are as well. AdWords advertisers for your keywords will have lists as too.

Even just of few of these big guys doing a substantial mailing can create a huge amount of traffic to your sales page. Keep that in mind and begin bringing some key players on board several month prior to your launch date.

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