Video Marketing

Leeching Views to your YouTube Videos

YouTube, LLC

One of the keys to getting a lot of YouTube views is to tag your video with tags similar to, or the same as extremely popular videos in your niche. What you want to have happen is to have your vid show in the “Related Videos” section on a video page getting a ton of viewers.

Here is how to see what tags a person is using for their videos on YouTube. First find a video with lots of traffic in your niche. Click on “Source Code” under “View” in your browser bar. The source code for the video page will appear in a new window.

Not very far down you will see a line of code that looks something like this: {meta name=”keywords” content=”list building, affiliate marketing, clickbank, online marketing”}

These are the tags the user has input for keywords so people can find their video. Copy their tags and use them on your video (assuming it is in the same niche) and add any others you think are appropriate.

Doing this will increase the likelihood that YouTube will think your video is closely related to the one you visited, and–hopefully yours will show in the “related” section for that video. This will help you to leech traffic from the highly-viewed vid.

An off-shoot of this technique is to find a very highly viewed video in your niche and post a video response to it. Very, very people do this even on videos that get lots of comments. If the video is getting a lot of viewers and you post a video response to it, many people who are interested in the topic will likely click on your video as well.

Just make sure that you post a great video and provide some useful content so the poster of the original video will approve yours to be shown.

Rather than trying to get your own viewers from scratch, these techniques will allow you to leech traffic from places where tons of viewers are already going who are interested in your topic!

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