3 Misconceptions about Creating Online Videos

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Online videos are very popular. That’s why videos are a great way to market a business or a specific product. All Internet Marketers should be using videos to help market their business. But some Internet Marketers have misconceptions about creating online videos and this stops them from using videos. Let’s clear-up these misconceptions right now.

It Takes too Much Work

The first misconception about creating online videos is that it takes too much work. Sure, some people create videos that are very involved and take a lot of time and energy. But this doesn’t have to be the case. You can easily create a basic video that will do well online. Videos don’t have to require a lot of work.

It Takes too Much Money

Another misconception about creating online videos is that they take too much money. Again, some businesses do spend a lot of money to create videos. But you don’t have to. You can create a video that costs you no money at all and that video can effectively market your online business.

It Takes too Much Expertise

Finally, videos don’t take too much expertise. In fact, you can learn how to create a basic video in less than an hour. You can learn enough to make the video, post it online, and get people to watch the video. Obviously only experts can create complex videos, but beginners can make basic videos that have the potential to be very popular with online viewers.

Internet Marketers shouldn’t allow misconceptions about creating online videos stop them from using videos for marketing purposes. Videos are very effective and they aren’t a lot of work, they don’t have to take a lot of time, and they don’t take much expertise. Therefore, any Internet Marketer should be using video to help market their business.

For a very simple and free method to create quality videos in minutes, take a look at Animoto.

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