Improve Your Article Marketing

Article marketing works! Submitting articles to article directories will get you traffic and it will get your pages back-links to give you some Google juice.

On the downside, it is a time-consuming and often monotonous undertaking.

Assuming you are doing some pre-writing keyword research, and the content of your article is good, one of the key factors in getting high readership lies in your title.

The stronger your title, the more people you will have click to read. Each article you write should target a specific keyword phrase.

Of course that keyword phrase should appear in your title, but not just in the title–in the beginning of it. Consider the two following examples:

* Get Healthy With Organic Gardening

* Organic Gardening: 3 Ways It Can Make You Healthier

The second headline puts the keywords right up front which may be helpful for SEO purposes. It also lets the reader know immediately what the main topic is.

So look at your titles. Are they powerful? Do they target your niche readers? And–are your keywords at the front of your subject line? Those things will help.

I’ll be sharing ways to make your article marketing easier and more profitable in future posts but for now you may want to check out the tool that I use to submit my articles to hundreds of directories.

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