Another List Building Technique

List building has to be one of the cornerstones of successful Internet marketing. A lot of times it can also be one of the most challenging aspects of the business for beginners.

Here is a trick that can help you build your list. Let’s begin with your niche. A lot of you are interested in the Internet marketing niche but this can work in any specific niche.

Suppose you are fairly new to the business. Maybe you have a product of your own and you are also doing some affiliate marketing.

Do some research and make yourself an expert in one aspect of selling online. Write a simple 10-20 page report dealing with that aspect.

You could also buy some PLR materials and rework them a bit to use.

Have a nice cover graphic designed for your report. You can easily get one for $5 at On the very last page have a brief 2-3 line bio blurb and a link to your sales page or blog. Make sure to have an opt-in form on that blog or page.

Now, watch Clickbank for new products coming out in the IM niche. Don’t worry right away about the big product launches where the product starts out with a high gravity on page one.

Look for the smaller products that were probably created by someone like yourself that have only been out for less than a month. Theirs will probably be found at the tail end of the listings.

You can do a search and set the parameters in the niche for “low gravity” which is what you want.

Visit every one of the sales pages. Many of the product vendors newer to the business may not have bonuses they give away with their product.

Approach them about giving your report away either as an opt-in bonus (better) or as a bonus to those who buy. Some will accept your offer–some will not.

Doing this will get your report out in the marketplace and into the hands of those highly targeted to your offer. Some will come to your blog or sales page and opt in to your list.

As you get experience in this, start approaching larger and larger product vendors–they get some serious traffic and you will get more and more opt-ins if they take you up on your offer.

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